

Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $84.95.

Dr. Willard’s PlantCatalyst is a nutrient absorption enhancer that improves the uptake and assimilation of nutrients. It makes ‘ordinary’ water (tap water, stored tank and well- water, purified water, etc.) more reactive and more effective as a transport medium for nutrients to the plant cells and the reported impact on living plants and vegetation is well documented and fairly extensive.
946ml bottle makes 64 litres of ready to use a product. Get more veggies, more flowers, keep your lawn greener.


RRP $99.95 Reduced price $84.95 0r Bulk Buy (1 Gallon)  $53.75per 946ml

Makes 64 Litres of ready to use PlantCatalyst® from as little as $08.0 per litre. Invented more than 45 years ago by award winning chemist, Dr. John W. Willard (PhD Purdue University), PlantCatalyst® is a water additive that boosts a plant’s ability to more fully absorb and utilize nutrients. This proprietary blend improves the uptake and assimilation of nutrients into plant cells so that they can devote more energy to growing and flourishing.
When used as directed PlantCatalyst® will help the plants to better utilize the nutrients and water in the soil and/or whatever growing medium is being used.

Sometimes there is simply not enough time even for the simplest procedures, not to mention surgeries, visits to doctors, and the use of expensive medications. That is why pharmacy in Curahealth, online can find a wide range of pharmacy products, which can even be ordered at home.

PlantCatalyst® will allow growers to maximize their nutrient regimen and significantly reduce the need to add more fertilizers and other nutrients. As a result, growers can save time and money, while boosting crop growth, yield and profit .

PlantCatalyst® provides farmers and gardeners alike with a safe, natural and completely non-toxic way to increase yields while limiting the amount of nitrogen-based fertilizer needed, keeping your wallet fuller and the planet safer at the same time.

Key benefits of Dr. Willard’s PlantCatalyst® include:

• Larger and/or greener plants.
• More blooms and/or plants blooming earlier.
• Sturdier stocks and/or more extensive root systems.
• Greater resilience in stressful growing environments.
• Reduced fertilizer costs and dependency, boost profit
• More yield per plant, larger fruit/flowers and enhanced flavour and aroma.

Additional information

Weight 1.210 kg