We all know that we should take vitamins to maintain our health. However, with so many vitamins on the market, one does not always know what to buy. As part of our new series of blogs aimed to educate our customers about living healthier lives, we will provide information about Vitamin B in this article.

What is Vitamin B?

Vitamin B is actually a composite of eight different vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) that play different roles in our bodies. They are water soluble vitamins, which just means that they dissolve in water and are not stored in our bodies. Once our bodies use the nutrients from the vitamins, they release the rest through our urine. These nutrients help your body to create energy from the food you consume and aid the body’s process of metabolizing proteins and fats.

What Foods Contain Vitamin B?

The great thing about Vitamin B is that it is found in food, and most people who do not have a large deficiency do not need to take additional supplements. Examples of foods that have Vitamin B are:

What Does the Vitamin B Complex Entail?

Vitamin B is a composite of eight water soluble vitamins which play different roles, with some working together for common functions.

How Do You Get the Most of Vitamin B Supplements?

One of the best ways of getting the B complex vitamins into your system is by eating a healthy diet with foods that contain these water soluble vitamins. Some of the best choices are salmon, eggs, chicken, green vegetables and beans. However, if you choose to add Vitamin B supplements to your diet, there are tips for helping you to maximize their effects.

The Vitamin B complex plays many roles that are beneficial for the body. Most importantly, it helps to extract energy from the food that we eat. Although adding Vitamin B supplements to your daily routine will not provide the same jolt of energy as a cup of coffee, they will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. In order to maximize the benefits of these water soluble vitamins, remember to take the right dose, and be sure to drink your Willard Water.