Who is Dr. John Willard?

“Doc”, as he came to be known to the generations of students he taught at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Dr John Willard Professor Emeritus of Chemistry who received his Ph.D from Purdue University.
Dr. Willard actually made the discovery that was eventually to be called Willard Water® “accidentally”. While conducting research on another product, he had received a severe burn and put his hand into a pan full of his newly invented Water, the only water immediately available in his laboratory. To his surprise, the severe pain stopped immediately. Furthermore, he found no after-blistering resulted.
Soon Doc, who had been “gassed” in World War II while conducting research for the U.S Army and who had also suffered from extreme dosages of radiation while lending his expertise to the United States’ nuclear weapons program, was using his Catalyst Altered Water (CAW) to help alleviate his poor health. When he began self-medicating with his newly invented Water he found he felt much better and all his previous symptoms were either greatly reduced or disappeared altogether.
In time the word of his invention began to spread. Friends, relatives, acquaintances and even strangers began using “Dr. Willard’s Water®” (Dr John Willard Professor Emeritus of Chemistry) — not only for their own ailments, but those of their farm animals, pets and crops. In 1980 the news program “60 Minutes” ran a 20 minute segment on Dr. Willard, his new Water and the effects his Water was having on plants, livestock and humans. That segment can be viewed on our 60 Minutes page.
As a scientist Dr. Willard was intensely interested in the reasons behind the Water’s success and he spent the rest of his life working with scientists at places like Purdue University, the University of British Columbia and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, among many others, to conduct research on his new Water. His research led him to develop a unifying theory that would explain all of the Water’s beneficial attributes: his Water had unusual binding properties and, according to Dr. Willard (Dr John Willard Professor Emeritus of Chemistry), “The Catalyst Altered Water acts as a normalizer on living things not in a healthy state.”
Dr. Willard passed away in 1991 at the age of 84 having spent the last 25 years of his life researching new applications for the Water that would come to bear his name.