Web MD Reviewer: J. Christo

A veterinarian initially recommended Willard Water to me probably 20 years ago for pet pigeons that were not thriving. It worked amazingly well, such that most of our birds lived to be 10 or more years old. While using it for the birds, I read more about it and we started drinking it ourselves, as well as giving it to our two cat-sisters who were sent home to die with chronic renal failure at age 12 – one cat lived to be 19, the other, 21. We have nothing but great things to say about WW for both people and pets. We have taken it internally as an anti-inflammatory for asthma, arthritis, etc. and used it topically for burns (amazing for sunburn and kitchen burns!), cuts (some deep), etc. Great product and Nutrition Coalition is a great company.

Web MD Reviewer: J. Christo August 18, 2019